
Helping Those Who Don’t Want Help is unavailable, but you can change that!

Warm hearted but hard nosed. One of the modern myths is that ministers lead sheltered lives. A person who swears in the presence of a pastor will often stop and say, “Oh, excuse me, Reverend,” as if pastoral ears are unaccustomed to such indelicate terms. If anything, pastors are more acquainted with the effects of human depravity. Each week brings situations of power, conflict, adultery, and...

marriage. But what could I do in this situation?” When the husband started bringing the mistress to the pastor for counseling, the pastor knew it was time to call for reinforcements. “I was in over my head,” he said. “I think I know how to help couples repair their marriages, but I can’t do that and help the husband and his lover at the same time.” Since the husband and wife were members of his church, he continued to see them, but he referred the mistress to another Christian counselor. How can
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